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Brexit? Trump? The Dow? Climbing the wall of worry

The market will fluctuate – get used to it! Stock markets seem to be reaching record highs every day. Toronto’s S&P/TSX Composite Index is the top-performing market in the world so far this year. Yet endless storm clouds seem to be gathering permanently on the...


Should you borrow to invest?

The lure of low rates can lead to a risk trap With interest rates so low, and stock markets hovering around all-time highs, many investors are looking to borrow for investment purposes, especially since the interest on an investment loan is tax deductible. While...


Stocks at record highs: time to buy?

How to avoid the market timing trap In a post-Brexit bounce over the past few weeks, the major North American stock markets have touched record highs. That blindsided many small investors who had bought in to the end-of-the-world style of media hype right after the...

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