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Getting set for RESP withdrawals

Time to pay the post-secondary piper Around about this time of year, the great Canadian university hunt gets into full swing. Universities make the rounds at high schools and fairs, looking to entice students to their schools. Students and parents make the rounds,...


School’s in session – and it costs!

How to cope with higher education’s sticker shock There’s no two ways around it: The cost of a post-secondary education is high. For some, it’s a real challenge to make ends meet while attending college or university. In fact, students can expect to pay a total of...


School’s in session: time to break open the RESP

How RESPs pay out for post-secondary expenses If you have kids going off to college or university this fall, you’ll be tapping into any savings you’ve made through a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP). But those payments aren’t treated like a bank account....


A quick course on RESP payments

How to withdraw funds for post-secondary expenses If you have kids going off to college or university this fall, and you’ve accumulated substantial savings in a Registered Education Savings Plan, now’s the time to tap into those funds. But you won’t be able to use...

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