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How to talk about money with your friends

For some friend groups, there are no topics that are off limits. But how often do you talk about debt repayment or savings strategies with your friends? Robyn joins CHCH TV’s “Morning Live” to share how you can start conversations about money with your...


A business of her own

What successful businesswomen know about start-ups Many women dream of starting their own business. And there are plenty of advantages. First, you are your own boss, and in control of your own destiny. Then, you get to produce that product or service that no one...


Beware this big TFSA tax trap!

Quick! What’s the first thing that pops into your head when you hear someone mention “Tax-Free Savings Account”? If you’re completely honest with yourself, deep down inside, it’s not the modifier “tax-free.” Many people I talk to feel all virtuous about their TFSA,...


4-step makeover for the financial frumps and frizzies

Does your financial plan look a lot like Cinderella before she met her fairy godmother. Frumpy, frizzy, washed out, washed up, and dressed in rags. If that about sums it up, you just might need a financial makeover. So while you’re getting set for the glitz and...


Are you a secret ‘satellite’ investor?

Do you invest on the sly? Well, it’s no secret! A friend recently told me, with some pride, that her small “private” investment account has recently performed better than the much larger portfolio she keeps with a reputable financial advisory firm. She wondered...


Accessing locked-in retirement funds

Many of my women clients “of a certain age” have rather substantial pension nest-eggs, either through their employer’s pension plans or through their own business or professional practice. But they do share one problem. Their pension funds are tied up in Locked-In...


Don’t play ‘defense’ in the markets

Don't play 'offense' either - play it smart Markets can be unpredictable in the fall. Also in the winter, spring, and summer. I got to thinking about this when I was recently asked to recommend some “defensive” mutual fund investment categories that would see an...


If I had a million dollars…(or $31 million)

Three principles of financial planning for millionaires (and wannabes) What would you do with $31 million? It’s a common fantasy question at coffee break or around the water cooler when government lottery jackpots reach eye-watering levels. A recent Lotto 649...

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